Friday 5 September 2008

New guide on China's overseas dam industry

International Rivers has just published a new guide for concerned groups and dam-affected communities: The New Great Walls: A Guide to China’s Overseas Dam Industry. Chinese companies and financiers are key to hundreds of new dams around the world, particularly in Southeast Asia and Africa, but also in countries like Pakistan and Albania. With Chinese dam companies and financial institutions now outpacing their competitors overseas, this guide provides helpful tools for engaging with the Chinese dam industry on issues of social and environmental responsibility. The guide addresses the question: what can communities impacted by these projects do to protect their rights, and advocate for rivers targeted for dams built by China?

The guide includes a “who’s who” among Chinese companies and financiers; information about policies and commitments Chinese companies and financiers should follow; a map of China’s major overseas dam projects; analysis of the reasons behind the global expansion of China’s dam industry; an action guide for how to address problematic dams built by Chinese companies and financiers, and who to contact for help. Please find the as PDF file >>> here. Hard copies may be ordered free of charge by e-mail >>>

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